“Did you ever wonder if science and faith were compatible? Or whether the six-day Genesis model of Creation is compatible with the billions-of-years Big Bang model? This is the book to read on that subject. The opening chapter about the man-made earthquake is killer.”
About the Book
Genesis and The Big Bang
In this groundbreaking book, physicist Gerald Schroeder takes on skeptics from both sides of the cosmological debate, arguing that science and the Bible are not at odds concerning the origin of the universe.
About the Author
Gerald Schroeder
Gerald Schroeder is a scientist, author, and lecturer, with over thirty years of experience in research and teaching. In addition to his current work in radiation control, he teaches at Aish HaTorah College of Jewish Studies, and writes and lectures on the extraordinary confluence of modern science and ancient biblical commentary. For over twenty-five years, Schroeder has also pursued a study of ancient biblical interpretation. An ability to handle the biblical material in the original languages allows him to tap the subtle depths contained in the original texts. These nuances are often missed when working with translations. The uniqueness and success of Schroeder’s approach integrating biblical and scientific knowledge is demonstrated by the success of his first book, Genesis and the Big Bang, and the wide acclaim for his second book The Science of God, which was on the Barnes & Noble list of non-fiction best-sellers and was Amazon.com’s best-selling book in the field of physics/cosmology for all of 1998. This was followed by The Hidden Face of God, discovering the unity that binds all existence. His book, God According to God: A Scientist Discovers We’ve Been Wrong About God All Along, was published in 2009 and has enthusiastic endorsements by leading theologians, both Jewish and Christian, and a Noble Laureate scientist.