Dinesh D'Souza
The Great SITC Debate: Is God the Source of Morality?
Dinesh D'Souza
Life After Death: The Evidence
Baroness Cox
The ‘West,’ Islam, and Islamism: Is Ideological Islam Compatible with Liberal Democracy?
Baroness Cox sits in the British House of Lords as a crossbencher and is a frequent contributor to Lords debates on Sudan, South Sudan, Syria, Nigeria, and Burma. In this...
Chuck Colson
Doing The Right Thing: A Six-Part Exploration of Ethics
After serving in prison, Chuck Colson—known as President Nixon’s “hatchet man”—became an evangelical author and criminal justice reform advocate. At this vintage 2010 Socrates in the City event in New...
Chuck Colson
The Good Life: Seeking Purpose, Meaning, and Truth in Your Life
President Nixon's "hatchet man," who after serving in prison became an evangelical author and prison reform advocate, Chuck Colson explores the benefits of seeking purpose, meaning, and truth in life....
Dick Cavett
What is the Price of Fame?
Eric Metaxas interviews the legendary Dick Cavett on "What is the Price of Fame?" at Socrates in the City....
David Batstone, Eric Metaxas, Scot Sherman
Not for Sale and Amazing Grace
Eric Metaxas takes the role of panelist, joining professor and journalist David Batstone in talking about the issue of slavery with guest-host Scot Sherman. Metaxas discusses his hero William Wilberforce,...
David Aikman
Does God Have a Foreign Policy?
Bestselling author, journalist, and foreign policy commentator David Aikman looks to history and Scripture as he explores the question, "Does God have a foreign policy?" in this 2002 Socrates in...
Jonathan Aitken
Ruin, Rehabilitation and Redemption: A Biographer’s Reflections on the Lives of Richard M. Nixon and Charles W. Colson
Famed former British Cabinet Minister and Member of Parliament Jonathan Aitken examines the concepts of "Ruin, Rehabilitation, and Redemption" in the lives of Richard Nixon and Charles Colson, with an...